Expert Monster Catfish & Alligator Gar

Expert Monster Catfish & Alligator Gar

Expert Fishing Guide Trainer
About Us!
Paul Myers hit the Houston fishing scene with force! He’s been a passionate angler for most of his life, with an uncanny knack for reading the water and conditions to increase your chances of catching fish. In the past four years, he has helped guests and friends land eight gar over eight feet long. Paul is known for catching trophy fish, from alligator gar to flatheads and blue catfish.
Kloud is a close fishing friend of Paul’s, and the two have shared many adventures on the water. Kloud loves alligator gar and trophy catfish and is dedicated to providing you with the trip of a lifetime. He is highly skilled in catching alligator gar, with a hookup ratio that can’t be beaten!
Mark is a seasoned fishing guide who excels at explaining techniques. He has spent the last decade refining his skills in local waterways. His passion for teaching and deep knowledge of fishing techniques guarantee an informative and enjoyable trip.